• HR Internship Around the World

    Hi, it is Alaz who is a citizen of the world trying to exist on the road with my mission and vision beyond my resume and I am here to take you on a long adventure around the world with my Human Resources Assistant Internship. I was in the 4th semester of my bachelor’s of psychology at Çağ University in Turkey and have an incredible interest in organisational psychology. Throughout my education, I had done internships in various fields (business and organisation, clinic, courthouse etc.) and took part in the board of management who are working on a national and international level. The story began in May of 2019 when…

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  • A Research Internship in Belfast

    On Thursday the 21st of June my adventure began: An eight-week long research internship in Belfast! For the first weekend my mum accompanied me and so we flew to Dublin together. From there we took the train up to Belfast, which is actually a very relaxed way of reaching Belfast as the train trip only takes two hours and for students it costs just 15 pounds. Plus, you get to have a look at Ireland’s beautiful landscape while traveling. When I arrived, Belfast presented itself in the best light with around 23°C, blue sky and the sun shone all day. I couldn’t help but liking this beautiful city instantly. The…

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  • My experience as a research intern in Cambridge, UK

    “If you would come to work with us in Cambridge, your research would be about ajflda;f (…) And in fact you’ll be working also on fl;dajf fjd fkld;ae;fj (…) In terms of practicalities you would fajd;l;sam jf apo (…) Is everything clear?” There I was: trying to make notes during the phone interview with Cambridge University, but half of the words were lost in the unstable phone connection. What a mess! Still, when asked if everything was clear, I sat straight, nodded, smiled (completely unnecessary behaviour as it was a mere phone conversation without video but oh well) and responded “yes, more or less”. Again, I thought, what a mess!!!…

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  • EFPSA Internship in Prague – Person Center therapy

    How did I end up going to Prague? I’d done my Erasmus on spring 2017 and came back with a slight post-erasmus depression. I was graving for more adventures and not ready to stop exploring the world. EFPSA’s internship offer came to my way and without thinking much more, I decided to apply, because why not? I wouldn’t lose a thing. Things got serious when I started to create my CV and application form and I got excited about the thought to have a possibility for a short internship abroad. Prague and Person Center had good websites to give information what to expect form their center. Exploring Prague as a…

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  • EFPSA Willingness Internship in Malta !

    My name is Aidyl Sanchez. Currently, I am a second year Undergraduate Psychology Student who is studying in Ireland. Let me start by saying how well structured the European Federation of Psychology Student’s Association (EFPSA) is and how they have given students, like myself the opportunity of a lifetime through their “Study and Travel Abroad” service. How I found myself working with the Willingness team in the Willingness Clinic all started form just a click of a button. Although the process was not as simple as pressing a button online and applying, I went through a number of stages to get to where I was, and I am more than…

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  • Internship in Oxford and Erasmus in Denmark -Laura’s story :)

    Hello! Tell us something about yourself. Hello! My name is Laura, I am 23 years old and graduated from my Master’s Programme in Psychological Research last June. I am currently studying Statistics at the University of Leuven in Belgium, where I also got my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. I might be studying very close to the town I grew up, but do not mistake that for liking to stay in one place. I really love traveling, have visited 36 countries so far, and have taken part in several exchange programmes. The two most important ones were a semester abroad in Denmark through Erasmus, and completing my Master’s internship in the…

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  • Work Organizational and Personnel Psychology internship in ILO

    I am Natalie McCullough, a second year student in the WOP-P Programme. I am from Indianapolis in the United States. For my internship, I am working with the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland in the Human Resources Development department as part of the Internship Team.  In this position, I am responsible for assisting in the selection and onboarding processes of new interns at the organization. This includes working in the online recruitment system, facilitating visa procedures for international interns, working directly with department supervisors, and welcoming interns on their first day with briefing presentations. My tasks differ day by day. One day, I will be attending a conference…

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  • Willingness Experience – Gabija’s Internship

    1. How would you describe your internship experience at the Willingness Clinic in Malta? Tell us a bit more about the tasks/responsibilities you had as an intern there?  In overall, the internship at the Willingness Clinic was a really great experience. I had the opportunity to feel as a part of a team. It gave me the freedom to express my ideas and experience a high level of true cooperation. I felt as I am estimated as any other member of a team which is really important for me. As interns we were participating in team‘s meetings, and we had the workshops with every member of a team. It was interesting…