Sofia’s Best – Mirna
Your name: Mirna Cerovac
City you visited: Sofia
1|Best food: Coming from Croatia, Bulgarian cuisine is not exactly unknown territory for me. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it so much, grilled meat and vegetables are definitely a must. I especially loved Divaka, very nice place with more than reasonable (by that I mean cheap) prices.
2|Best place to hang out: PARKS! It depends on the time of the year I suppose but Bulgarians L-O-V-E to spend time in the parks with friends after lectures or work – chitchatting, having a beer and just relaxing.
3|Best memory: Visiting Sofia in general because it was long-awaited reunion with some of my closest EFPSA friends 🙂
4|Best activity: Free Sofia Tour – even if your time in Sofia is limited this tour will give you nice overview of history of Sofia and it covers the most important sights in the city centre. Best of all – it’s free.